Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sunday evening...

I am SO dreading this coming week. We are again without a receptionist at work, so I'm going to have to fill-in some and teach the technicians how to fill-in up there too. We're all already busy, so this is just going to add to the craziness. Great.

I have had an ok weekend. Yesterday we didn't do much. I slept until noon. I don't know why I slept that late and I really shouldn't have. It screws me up for days when I do that. We didn't really DO anything. We went out for a little while last night, hung out with Beth at the Pub. Honestly, though, I just wasn't feeling it. I wanted to come home, so after an hour or so, we came back home. I haven't really gotten anything done as far as housework. I just feel so blah. I have no motivation.

I asked Mark to wake me up no later than 10 today. So, he let me sleep until 10 and got me up. I got my shower and we drove to Jackson to go to the bookstore. I was out of reading material and when it's cold and rainy like this, I need my books. I bought 4, so maybe that'll keep me busy for awhile. Then we went and saw Beth's new apartment. It's a cute place. An older house that's been converted into a duplex. I know she's happy to get out of the tiny place she has been living in. Now Mark is parked on the couch watching the Bears game. I'm not sure what that's about. He's not usually one to watch football, but he's watched the Bears play the past 2 weeks. I guess since it's a Chicago team and the Superbowl is coming up, he feels compelled to watch.
It bores the hell out of me. It's not that I can't follow it because I can. The most annoying thing to me about watching any sport on TV is the freaking announcer guys. They never stop talking. I mean, can I just watch the game please? If I need your commentary I'll ask for it, 'k? I mean when something happens that requires an explanation, that's fine, but all.the.time? I mean, come on! I can't stand it. Does that bother anyone else, or is it just me?

I've spent most of the past hour or so colorizing a B&W version of our wedding picture. Yes, I have color versions, but I wanted to try coloring another B&W picture like I did for Anne's calendar. The one I've been working on looks ok, but I'm not all that thrilled with it...It just doesn't lend itself to this technique as much as the older pictures do...For one there's just too much stuff in it. That and Mark's in it. Which he should be because it's our wedding picture, but trying to color a man's face is harder than coloring a woman's face or a girl's face. I had to keep redoing his lips because it looked like he was wearing lipstick. I didn't think he'd like that much.
I've just been informed that I need to make invitations for a Super Bowl party. Mark requested that they say something about the Bears vs. who cares. LOL. Who knew he was such a fan? I didn't know. I guess I better get started on that...he sounds serious ;)

Here's the pic I've been working on. See, just not that great, is it? I've got to find a better candidate for this technique. Those ferns in my bouquet were a pain!


Anonymous said...

I hate those blah, boring kinds of days. Sundays are usually like that for me.

Maybe only colorize the flowers and his boutenniere (sp?), his glasses being colored looks kind of funky.

StephM said...

I didn't color his glasses. So that's weird.

Anonymous said...

I understand totally, see my blog for details or lack thereof.

Your Father has spent a good bit of the afternoon also in front of the TV. He could care less about the outcome, so why?


Newscoma said...

Being that it's Tuesday and I haven't seen hide nor hair of you, are you mulling through okay?