Sunday, December 31, 2006

Real quick

I finally got my new drapes ironed and hung last night. We were waiting to find time to get some new curtain rods. I was originally going to make cornices to go with them, but I don't think I'm going to. I've got a project I can use the extra material for I think. We bought new decorative rods and matching metal tiebacks. Here's a picture. I think they turned out great. We love them! Thanks Laura! Here's a picture of one window:

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Here's the new kitty...The other cats have accepted him pretty one of these pictures he's lying right next to Furball. They're almost touching (gasp!). I think he's going to be a good addition. He's about a year old, so we're taking him to be fixed on Wednesday. He is pretty underweight, but I'm sure we'll fix that! His fur looked pretty stringy and rough the first couple of days, but he's looking better everyday. And he seems very happy to have a good home. He's very affectionate. I'm glad to have him...The first picture is from the first day we had him, the second is from just a few minutes ago. Here he is:

Friday, December 29, 2006

Happy New Year! a couple of days anyway. I know it'll be a busy few days for us, so I thought I'd get a post in now. I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas. We were a bit worn out, but really enjoyed getting to see everyone. I just hated that we had to leave so soon. I really miss getting to hang out with my whole family at the same time.
We have a new addition to our little family...a feline one. So, now we're back up to 4...bordering again on "crazy cat people" status LOL. I'll post a picture as soon as I download one from the camera. Kind of a long story about how we ended up with this one, but he's really a sweetheart. He loves me...even more than Mark. Which is significant only because the others all prefer Mark to me. He's a bit malnourished looking, but I'm sure we'll fatten him up in no time if our other cats are any indication. Oh, and we've named him Hambone (yes, Laura, I got that from you...hope you don't mind).
We're having a New Year's party at our house. We did last year too, but we didn't have much of a turnout. This year is looking like we'll have a rather large turnout. Which is fine with us! We'll just have to line people up on the floor in sleeping bags because I don't think anyone will be leaving. We've got a lot to do before Sunday afternoon, but we're looking forward to it. We love having parties.
And here I'm going to get little thoughtful...Laura, you may want to avert your eyes LOL!
I was thinking last week while I was driving all over creation for work...I don't think I've ever been happier in my life. I would never have thought I'd have ended up where I am...geographically, professionally or emotionally, but I'm very, very happy. I love Martin, I love our house, I enjoy my job, and my marriage is great.
I think I had a very false idea of what marriage would be and I've really let go of that idea. It's nothing like I thought it would be, it's much more mundane I guess, but that's not a bad thing. It's just much less dramatic and much more secure and comfortable. And while I see Mark ALL the time since we work together, we've adjusted to that and I understand now when he needs some space. So I give him a little space and I find that I need a little space too. So it works out. And while sometimes we get on eachother's nerves, I don't get so wound up about it anymore. It's just nice. I'm very comfortable and very happy.
But it's not just my marriage, it's me. I just feel comfortable with me. I just am who I am I guess. I've changed alot and I realize that, I'd say it's all been for the better. But I don't feel alot of need to change now. I'm sure I still will, that's kind of inevitable, but I'm comfortable being me now. I have a confidence in myself that I never had before and it comes in handy at work and in my social life. I think I have more friends now than I've ever had, and I really enjoy the circle of friends that Mark and I have. I think that's a lot of the reason why I like Martin so much. It's just all so nice.
I'd say there are still things missing in my life, but I struggle alot less with that. I just feel much more peace than I ever have before. Every now and then I'll catch myself thinking about all this and it almost catches me off guard...this is what happy feels like. I know it all sounds very cheesy, but I've struggled alot with depression and I honestly thought I might never really be happy, that I'd never know what it meant to be happy. So, it makes me stop and think and it makes me extremely thankful. I had moments of happiness or contentment before, but now I have moments of not being happy or content. Because by far these days I am content way more often than I'm not. Life is good and that's such a great way to start the New Year. I wish you all the same! Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home again.

Because I'm sick again. I went to work because I felt better this morning, but now I feel like I'm about to suffocate. So, I'm trying to concentrate on something besides the fact that I can't breathe. So, you get a blog entry out of the deal.

Last night I finished another scrap page. This one's for May. This is the only page I've done that Mark said something about (positive or negative). He likes this one I'm pretty sure. He came up behind me last night while I was working on it and told me I was doing a good job (awwww). It's a good thing he said that because I was getting a little discouraged. You just never know how Anne will take something. I'm sure she'll appreciate the effort I've put into this at the very least. Anyway...May is the mothers page. I spent a good hour searching for a picture of Anne and her mother. Mark got home when I was about 3/4 through. I finally had to ask him if they didn't get along or something because I found ONE picture of the 2 of them together and that's it!! There were a few that they were both in, but there were always other people. I didn't have this problem finding ones with she and her father. Not that there were a ton, but there were at least a few to choose from. So, when you see this layout keep in mind the pickins were slim.

I got the pictures scanned in for the June page. That would be the fathers page. I had a different problem with this one. I found several pictures of Anne and her father, but all but one of them were from when she was a teenager or older. This being a problem because I wanted the ages of the children in the pictures to be in the same ballpark at least. And Mark's dad died when he was 10, so all the pictures of the 2 of them are when Mark was pretty young. Even at that there aren't that many. I'm sure there are more, but I think Anne has them. So, I'm using a Halloween picture which seems a little odd for June, but it's kind of a sweet picture and it's the one Mark wanted me to use...I think it's one of his favorites. So I'll post that too. I'm rambling, so I'll get on to the pictures now!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

I got 3 months worth of calendar pictures finished today! Woohoo! I didn't get any done yesterday, so I had to make up for it. They probably aren't my favorite scrap pages ever, but I guess they can't all be masterpieces, right? LOL
I'm really not feeling very well, but doing my best not to let a little chest cold get me down. I've got too much to do for that. I had all the usual weekend stuff to do, plus some extra things. Yesterday I got my hair cut then I had to make a trip to Wal-Mart. I dread Wal-Mart on a normal day, but there were 5 times the number of people there yesterday. It was really kind of ridiculous. I got through it though. Then came home and took a good nap. I wasn't feeling well at all. Then we went to a party at Tracy & Stephanie's house. We didn't stay all that long, mostly because I wasn't feeling 100%, but we had a really good time. We're usually the ones having the party it seems like, so it was nice to go to a party! We met lots of people and got to hang out with our friends. Tracy, if you're reading this, we had a GREAT time! Thanks for inviting us!

Today I decided I had to get some work done. So I started the laundry, which unfortunately is still going. Mark and I went out to lunch then I did some scrap pages and wrapped the rest of the presents. With the exception of one gift I'm still waiting to get (UPS) Christmas is ready to go! Oh, but I do have to re-stitch Mark's stocking before I can actually put anything in it.
I guess that's enough rambling...I'll leave you with the 3 scrap pages I finished today. If you have any input on these (and Laura, I'm sure you will ;)) let me know!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Quick note...

Ok people...I'm blogging my butt off here and I've got NO comments. Ok...I got one comment a few days ago. If this is how it's going to be, I'm going back to once a week. Got it? LOL

Edit: I didn't mean to be pissy about it, I was just wondering where everyone was. I'm not sure what the problem was with posting comments to my blog. I did add a security feature, but that's been several weeks's just the squiggly word thing. I'm going to assume it's working now, but if it's not, someone please let me know. Thanks!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

April layout

I swear, I should've just sent the pictures to Laura and let her do my layouts...We've been working on them using Hello to communicate. Here's April:

That's all for tonight...Happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fun little project

This is my accomplishment for the evening...I saw this picture of Anne (Mark's mother) as a little girl and I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it. This is going on my Easter (April) calendar page. I haven't done the page yet...but I'll post the before & afters of the picture. The color may still need to be toned down a bit...y'all tell me what you think. I really enjoyed doing this...I may have to do another one! LOL Doesn't this picture remind you ever so slightly of Jennifer?

Here's the before:

And the after:

Let me know what you think! Have a Happy Thursday!

Laura's Tag

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree? Wrapped (unwrapped?? How boring!)
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? I like both, but my tree has white lights b/c Mark likes them better.
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Yes, we have some that grows in a tree in our front yard, Mark shot some down last weekend. We also have a MistleToad that Mark hangs in one of the doorways...but that's totally different.
5. When do you put your decorations up? The weekend after Thanksgiving
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Sweet potato casserole
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child- Getting up early, early and everyone opening gifts all at once.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? 4th or 5th grade I think.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Just the ones from Mark (we open gifts the night before any occasion, I don't know why. It started with our wedding gifts to eachother and we've just continued it for some we just can't wait any longer to give eachother our gifts:))
10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? White lights, old ornaments from Mark's family, some really old colored beads (also from Mark's family), beaded snowflake ornaments I've made, ornaments we made in school, ornaments Mommy gave me through the years, and a couple ornaments Mark and I have gotten on our vacations together.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love to look it, hate to drive in it. Not because I can't drive in it, I'm not bad at it...other drivers just scare me.
12. Can you ice skate? Yes, but I don't particularly like to.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? I've had many favorites...too many to list.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Family. The holidays have always been about family to me. Mark hasn't ever been a big fan of the holidays for understandable reasons I won't go into here. So, last year and this year, it's been very important to me to share my idea of Christmas and family with him and to build our own traditions together (thus the opening presents under the tree on Christmas Eve).
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Pecan pie
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Probably breakfast at my grandmother's house. I've never missed it and I'd never want to miss it.
17. What tops your tree? An angel holding 2 candles (lit up) that my mom gave me.
18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? Definitely giving, I just love the look on a person's face when they open a present from me that they love.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song? O Holy Night
20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? They're ok...I don't go out and buy them by the boxful. Give me chocolate instead please.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I finished wrapping all the gifts I had tonight! Woohoo!!! AND...I got 2 calendar pages done. Well, I did one, Laura did the other. So, I'll post them below. One is December (this should look familiar from Laura's's almost identical except the picture, the words and I think she moved one element. The other is February...I used Mark's grandparents' wedding picture as well as his parents' and ours...tell me what you think...

Have a great Wednesday!!



Monday, December 11, 2006

Quick post

I'll make this quick because I really need to get to bed. It's nearly if I wait to much longer I'll be worthless tomorrow at work.

Unfortunately, I haven't made good on getting my calendar picture scrap pages started. I did get all the pictures scanned in last night, which took a good amount of time. Tonight I didn't feel like doing much. Mark only worked about 1/2 a day since he wasn't feeling well. I think he's like I am on sick days. He didn't feel good, but I think he got a little bored. So, he had a roast in the oven when I got home. That was nice! I spent most of my evening on the couch, but I did get some more gifts wrapped. I've got to get a couple more boxes and then I can finish up. I'm *almost* done. I did decide I didn't like what I'd gotten Mammaw D., so I found another one online and ordered it tonight, now I just have to remember to take the first one with me to work so I can send it back. I also finished shopping for Mark today (online), so as soon as those things get here I think I'm officially done...Haven't I already said that like 4 times?? I really mean it this time, unless I find something else Mark has to have. ;)

I don't have much else to post, but I did scan a couple cute pictures of Mark in last night, so I'll share those...these were both taken on our farm. One at the pond (which looked better then than it does now...and I think then it actually had fish in it), the other right by the driveway at the corner of the house...enjoy Mark in all his cuteness...

Anne, Mark and Mark's Grandfather Templeton

Mark fishing at the pond.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Weekend report

The weekends just don't ever last long enough, do they? I didn't do much of anything Saturday...laid on the couch and read most of the day. I had a really bad day actually. I won't go into it...poor Mark did his best to cheer me up. We did get out of the house for a little while. We went to Union City to get one last gift (for the guy Mark drew at work), then we went and bought me a new pair of running shoes (finally), we made a stop in Fulton for some beer (good beer, otherwise we could've bought it in Martin) and then we stopped by Anne's (Mark's mother) house to fix her phone for her. I'm not sure what the problem was, but I think Mark got it fixed. We stayed and chatted with her for a little while...she was in rare form. It was very entertaining! I love it when she's like that...she's got such a dry sense of humor (drier than Mark's) and she cracks me up sometimes.
Today Mark hasn't felt well at all, so he's spent most of his time in the recliner or in bed. I didn't feel all the great, but decided I had LOTS to do, so I got to work. I did ALL the laundry (last of it's in the dryer now) and all the dishes. Took out the trash, etc, etc. Then I got to work on the calendar I'm making for Anne for Christmas. I got the calendar pages done, now I just have to do the corresponding picture pages. I started looking through the photos I had already scanned in and decided that they would look boring just stuck on a page, so I'm going to do digital scrap pages for each one. I already had a couple done that I could use, so I altered them to fit the page correctly. So I think that leaves me 8 or 9 left to do. I downloaded some digiscrap freebies from Shabby Princess and scanned another picture in, but I haven't actually started creating the rest of the pages yet. I'm going to have to start one tonight so I can keep up my momentum or otherwise I'll procrastinate until the week before Christmas, which isn't that far off. I'll try to post them as I get them done. The ones I've already done, you've already seen on my blog, so that won't be new and interesting to anyone. I think if I can get one a night done, I should be fine. Then I'll just have to get them printed and take them to be bound down the street from work. Better get started now...I've still got gifts I want to get wrapped tonight! Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I was very productive yesterday. Today, not so much. Yesterday Mark and I drove to Paducah and finished up our Christmas shopping (except for our gifts for eachother). We got to Paducah right when the mall opened,which made the experience ALOT better. There were plenty of people, but not the usual mobs you see this time of year. We had one store to go to there, so we did that and looked around at a couple other places. Then we went to World Market. I don't know if any of you have one of these, but we LOVE that place. Especially the food section. After that we went to PetSmart because we're dorks and we buy Christmas gifts for the cats and the dog. Yes, they have their own stockings...They should be very pleased with their gifts this year. Last we went to Books-a-Million and stocked up on books because we were both out of reading material. In between all that I managed to get lunch at Olive Garden, which was enjoyable. When we got home I went to Wal-Mart and then wrapped a few Christmas presents. Then we changed the sheets on the bed, did some laundry, ate some dinner.
Today, I've done nothing really. I spent alot of the day on the couch watching the America's Next Top Model Season 7 marathon. Mark read...he wasn't so into the show :)
I did a little more laundry, but not much. I think I needed a day to just vegetate.
This week is Mark's birthday (Wednesday). He doesn't want a cake, he says. He just wants brownies, so I'll make those Wednesday evening...they're best warm. I think I'm also supposed to take him out to dinner, which I CERTAINLY don't mind. And that's about it...I have NOTHING to blog about, so that's all you get. Have a great week everyone!